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7028 Southeast 52nd Avenue
Portland, OR, 97206
United States


Starlight Knitting Society is your warm and friendly neighborhood yarn shop..  We are a well appointed shop stocked with yarns you'll love, friendly staff and great space to hang out.  Come knit by the fire and share your passion for knitting with us.


Tuft Woolens Sock Soap

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Tuft Woolens Sock Soap


What is Sock Soap? Tuft handcrafted Sock Soap is perfect for all of your woolens, handknits or delicate items. Sock soap is all natural and contains lanolin which acts as a softening agent and conditions your wool and other natural fibers. No artificial surfactants or detergents are present in this soap. You can also use this as a softening body bar in the bath or shower! Check out their tutorial!

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